Soft Space & Nursery
We welcome our youngest as we strive to fulfill His commission when Jesus said, “Let the little children come to me...” We have a soft space located in the east transept of the church for families with young children. This sacred space is carpeted, has soft toys, and offers easy access to bathrooms. Parents and children can participate together as a family in the worship. With chairs arranged in an open square, the space encloses an area where toddlers can be engaged during the service.
Childcare for ages 6 months to 3 years old is available on Sundays during the Christian formation hour and the 10:30 Holy Eucharist. Our nursery is staffed by two childcare professionals who have completed the Episcopal Church's Safe Church, Safe Communities program. The nursery can be found across from the rear entrance of the church. From our visitor parking on third street, go up the stairs, walk to the end of the garden area. The church building will be on your right. Take a left along the back of the garden. The nursery is located centrally so that people can easily retrieve their children after services in the church.