In the Episcopal Church, we affirm all baptized people as ministers with Christ in the work of reconciling the world to God and each other. We live out our ministries through our prayer and worship, through proclaiming the Gospel, and through promoting God’s justice, peace, and love for all. For our part at St. Paul’s, ministries bring us together as a parish family. We believe that each person in our parish has a calling for which they were uniquely created, and we hope to never exhaust those creative possibilities. We hope to continue to discover and reflect the ways we are called to share God’s love in our own lives and in the Life we share that flows through the worship, work, prayers, and gifts of St. Paul’s.
Serve Neighbors
All of St. Paul’s parishioners are encouraged to volunteer in the Greenville community, using our God-given gifts. St. Paul’s Church partners with many organizations that serve our local neighbors. Following are short descriptions of some of the many outreach opportunities supported by parishioners of St. Paul’s.
Read More »Parish Life Ministries
What's a "parish" anyway?
Most often when we use the word "parish," we mean a local congregation.
Parish Life activities bring together persons of various ages and unique gifts, young and old, rich and poor, saints and sinners. The fellowship of this community is expressed through the many Parish Life programs at St. Paul's. Parishioners host receptions, discuss books, play in an interfaith softball league. Youth and adults take an active part wherever they can, by recognizing their own spiritual gifts and natural abilities, matching them with the needs of the church. St. Paul's is a community of faith and action, lived out through participation in Parish Life activities.
Support Ministries
Support is provided to St. Paul's ministries by groups as varied as those engaged in fundraising to those working hands-on behind the scenes. Among the fundraisers are those that invite the community to help support community service programs such as St. Paul's food pantry. Other programs support programs such as our children's Christian formation classes. Unsung are those who qu…
Read More »Worship Ministries
We worship to thank God for our blessings, to acknowledge our failings and ask for forgiveness and to gain strength to carry out God's plans for us and for the world. At St. Paul's we worship formally every week on Sunday mornings and Wednesday evenings, and at special times such as Lent, Advent, Christmas and Easter. Informally we worship in small groups, with our interfaith nei…
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