"Each of you must give as you have made up your mind, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver. And God is able to provide you with every blessing in abundance, so that by always having enough of everything, you may share abundantly in every good work." - 2 Corinthians 9:7-8
As Christians, we acknowledge that what God has generously offered us is nothing short of life through Jesus Christ. Participating in that life means learning to generously offer our lives. Each time we gather we are presented with the opportunity to support others in recognition of God’s offerings. This support takes shape in many forms with financial gifts being the backbone that builds our church community and generates opportunities to offer our lives in our parish. All are encouraged to participate in giving money for the ministries of our parish as a sign of our share in God’s work among us and through us.
Annual Commitment
Annual commitments pledged to St. Paul’s support our operating budget, which directly supports worship, formation, community and global outreach, building and grounds, staff and other programs. Annual commitments are crucial to the work of St. Paul’s. We strive to maintain a balanced budget each year, with every dollar accounted for and put to good use in the people, places and plans of our parish.
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St. Paul's Endowment is made up of two separate endowment funds, the Legacy Fund and the Huber Fund. The chart below outlines the structure and purpose of these funds within St. Paul's Endowment:
Understanding St. Paul's Endowment
St. Paul's Endowment was originally established in 1947 from a bequest of $500 from Addie Smith Cox. The Vestry elected to designate this as a quasi-en…
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What is an Endowment?
What is an Endowed fund?
What type of endowed funds are there?
Why are endowments important?
Can I make a gift of real estate?
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