Annual Commitment
Annual commitments pledged to St. Paul’s support our operating budget, which directly supports worship, formation, community and global outreach, building and grounds, staff and other programs. Annual commitments are crucial to the work of St. Paul’s. We strive to maintain a balanced budget each year, with every dollar accounted for and put to good use in the people, places and plans of our parish.
What is St. Paul’s Annual Budget?
St. Paul’s operational budget for 2022 was approximately $868,000, of which 80% is derived from annual commitments by parishioners.
How do I make a pledge?
Commitment cards are distributed to every member each fall during our Annual Commitment Campaign. You may also obtain one at any time by contacting our director of operations and finance, Dianne Jenkins. Commitment cards may be placed in an offering plate during services or mailed to the church office at any time. Additionally, you can make a commitment online here.
How much should my commitment be?
Pledging with your church is a spiritual discipline to be entered into prayerfully. Like all prayer, it is a response to God’s grace in our lives. What does God give? How does God give? Offering an annual pledge is a communal expression of participation in God’s ongoing generosity. Current commitments to St. Paul's range from $50 to $30,000.
How do I pay my pledge?
There are many opportunities to fulfill your commitment. You may pay weekly, monthly, quarterly or annually via cash, check, credit card, or direct debit, and through electronic fund transfer (EFT). Checks may be placed in the offering plate during any service or mailed to the Church office. Cash pledge offerings placed in the offering plate should be sealed in a pledge envelope with your corresponding giving number to be properly applied to your giving statement.
You may also set up a one time or recurring debit from your bank account through your secure parishioner profile.
For information about setting up an EFT and/or gifts from investment vehicles, please contact Dianne Jenkins via phone at 252-752-3482 or email her.