Reflection from Godly Play Training
In August, Jay LaNunziata, our Director of Christian Formation, and Mary Keeter, a Godly Play storyteller, attended a Godly Play core training at St. Stephen’s Episcopal Church in Goldsboro, NC. Jay and Mary had a great time, and Mary offers this reflection on her first Godly Play training experience:
“I WONDER – what is Godly Play?” Godly Play is unique. For children, their work is play. Godly Play is the art of using the language of the Christian tradition to encounter God through play. It is a chance to interact with God and God’s people. Godly Play uses four forms of instruction, and each Godly Play story contains some of each form: sacred story, parable, liturgical action, and silence.
“I WONDER – what part was most important?” Is it the stories? Is it the group of trainees? Is it their life experiences? Is it the silence and the “debriefing” at the end of each session? Silence and “debriefing, for me, were the most important. It was a time to slow down, not rush or hurry. It offered a space for self-reflection, and to see how different life experiences could bring a new meaning to the story. Knowing silence can be an answer to a question.
“I WONDER – what was your favorite part?” My favorite part, the Wondering. Revisiting the stories from a new perspective, finding new connections within stories. We were engaged in an imaginative process of self-reflection and spiritual examination.”