Pictures from our first gathering of Wilderness Church
St. Paul’s Greenville hosted our first Wilderness Church, Sunday, February 18, at River Park North in Greenville. We were thinking that if we had ten to fifteen people, and we had a nice time on our walk, we would count it as a success. By the end of the communion service we ended up with 47 in our group (including 3 dogs), having even picked up some curious passersby along the way. It was a cold evening, but it was so lovely to be together in nature that we almost didn’t mind the chill. We ran a simple ad on Facebook, and three new families joined us because they saw our ad. We’re going to continue our meetings at least through the end of Lent. If you’re in the area, join us at River Park North at 4 p.m.
John Palmer said “It was peaceful! A great experience and time with our parish family!”
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