APB - All Parents Breakfast
Sunday, December 10, 2023, 9:00 AM
From a letter sent to all the families on our rolls -
Dear Friends,
This letter is being sent to all the families in the St. Paul’s Church directory with children between 3 and 18 years old. The vestry Parish Life and Christian Formation committee is inviting you to join us Sunday, December 10, for an APB – All Parents Breakfast. We will provide breakfast, beginning at 9:00 a.m. followed by a time of facilitated listening about children and youth formation at St. Paul’s. Whether your child is a Sunday School or EYC regular or if it has been a while since you have attended, please come if you are able - we want input from as many people as possible to attend so that we can receive as much feedback as possible about Christian formation at St. Paul’s.
Please go to this web address to RSVP to this event. We need a head count for breakfast (children included), but we also want to know who is no longer attending St. Paul’s so we can update our records. If you are not able to attend but still want to offer comments on the advantages and disadvantages of our available programs or have any other feedback to offer, there is a place on the form to offer those, and the Parish Life committee will take those very seriously.
Breakfast will be available starting at 9, and children are welcome to join and eat with us until 9:30. The children will then go with Jon Shaw for the rest of the time to learn a song that they will sing in the 10:30 service that day.
The committee and staff are really looking forward to this opportunity to gather together and listen. Please do us the honor of joining us and fill out the form as soon as possible so we can better prepare. If possible, please complete the form by Monday, November 20.
With Love,
Jay LaNunziata, Director of Christian Formation
Hannah Hutchens, Director of Youth Ministries
Parish Life and Christian Formation Committee
9:00 – 9:30: Breakfast served
9:30 – 10:15: Listening Meeting
Tags: News & Events