2023 VBS Photo Album
On July 18 - 21, St. Paul's Episcopal Church, St. Timothy's Episcopal Church, and Our Redeemer Lutheran Church worked together to host 40 children and 50 volunteers for Operation Restoration: Mending God's World. Activities included exploring (and eating our way through) St. Tim's Community garden, creating altar cloths with our handprints, germinating seeds, a visit from Joni Torres of the Keeping Pitt Fit community garden who taught us how to make compost using red wriggler worms, creating healing heart finger labyrinths, melting down broken crayon scraps into useable shapes, recognizing patterns in nature on a nature walk, creating a mosaic with our prayers, using a tug-of-war rope to talk about tension and forgiveness, a presentation from Clay Barber of Sound Rivers on pollution in our waterways, creating a quit of our prayers for mending God's world, and using exercise and rest to measure the effects on our heart rates. It was a hugely successful week, everyone had fun, made new friends, and learned some sacred stories, two new songs, and had supper together each evening. We made a $400 donation to Sound Rivers to help them continue their work of education and advocacy for the health of our watershed. We are working together to mend God's world!
2023 VBS Photo Gallery
Tags: Children / Parish Life Ministries / News & Events