Worship Ministries

We worship to thank God for our blessings, to acknowledge our failings and ask for forgiveness and to gain strength to carry out God’s plans for us and for the world. At St. Paul’s we worship formally every week on Sunday mornings and Wednesday evenings, and at special times such as Lent, Advent, Christmas and Easter. Informally we worship in small groups, with our interfaith neighbors, and with those who cannot come to our church buildings because of illness, age or disability. We strive to make our worship services “user friendly” – our facilities are accessible and we provide nursery care on Sunday mornings.
Altar Ministers
Altar ministers show us that how we worship God as a Church expresses both who we understand ourselves to be and what we are called to do. They show us …
Altar Guild
Altar Guild volunteers work behind the scenes, caring for all the ceremonial objects used in worship. Liturgy begins and ends with the behind-the-scenes work of the altar guild. They prepare …
Wedding Guild
Wedding Guild volunteers assist the engaged couple during wedding planning through the rehearsal and the wedding. The guild member acting as coordinator meets with the bride and/or groom to discuss …
Flower Guild
Flower Guild is a ministry designed to enhance the worship experience by bringing the beauty of God’s creation into the church and chapel. Members arrange the flowers and other greens …
Welcome Team
Welcome Team members work to create an inclusive environment among St. Paul’s parishioners so that all guests and newcomers feel warmly welcomed at all St. Paul’s events and worship services. …
Liturgical Arts Guild
[God] has filled them with skill to do every kind of work done by an artisan or by a designer or by an embroiderer in blue, purple, and crimson yarns, …