Parish Life Ministries
What’s a “parish” anyway?
Most often when we use the word “parish” we mean a local congregation.
Parish Life activities bring together persons of various ages and unique gifts, young and old, rich and poor, saints and sinners. The fellowship of this community is expressed through the many Parish Life programs at St. Paul’s. Parishioners host receptions, discuss books, play in an interfaith softball league. Youth and adults take an active part wherever they can, by recognizing their own spiritual gifts and natural abilities, matching them with the needs of the church. St. Paul’s is a community of faith and action, lived out through participation in Parish Life activities.
Hosts & Helpers
Hosts and Helpers programming at St. Paul’s includes a wide variety of events focused on bringing people together in a welcoming atmosphere. The volunteers are busy all year long, providing …
Wednesday Night Supper
Wednesday Night Supper follows the 5:30 p.m. mid-week worship service throughout the school year. After the worship service, all are invited to gather in the parish hall. A full hot …
The Well: Episcopal-Lutheran Campus Ministry
The Well is a student-focused outreach program for Greenville’s East Carolina University and Pitt Community College students. It focuses on engaging college students and young adults in conversation and activities …
Loosely Bound
Loosely Bound is St. Paul’s book club. It is a ministry of warm fellowship and insightful conversation for members and guests of St. Paul’s who love to read. The group …
Knitting Ministry
The Knitting Ministry meets twice monthly at St. Paul’s. Over the centuries, prayer shawls have symbolized shelter, warmth, peace and spiritual sustenance. They donate their time and talents to create …
Episcopal Church Women (ECW)
Episcopal Church Women is a national organization with the purpose to empower the women of The Episcopal Church to carry out Christ’s work throughout the world. As the eyes, ears, …