2023 Bluegrass Mass and Farewell to the Rev’d Skip Walker
On Sunday, September 24, 2023, we bid a fond farewell to the Rev’d Skip Walker as he begins a new ministry. We also had our annual Bluegrass Mass, and unveiled our newly refurbished chapel.
Litany for the Chapel’s Restoration, from the Bluegrass Mass on September 24
The restoration of the windows is dedicated to the memory of Carolyn Kirkland Horton and Barbara Southerland Gilliam;
The restoration of the floors is in thanksgiving for the life of Dr. George Salle;
The altar candles are in thanksgiving for the ministry of Mary Meade Powell for her many years of service with the Altar Guild;
And the work of restoring the pews is offered in thanksgiving for newcomers that God brings among us, like Dr. Charles Daeschner, that we may graciously make room on them for the lives and work of others that God will bring our way.
Let us pray. (The congregational response is: We thank you, Lord.)
O Lord, we gather in Your presence to celebrate the renewal of this sacred place, offering our gratitude for every part that contributes to its wholeness. For what you have done, are doing, and will do here,
We thank you, Lord.
For the pews, where Your people sit in reflection, in joy, and in sorrow, that they might be places of comfort and connection. For what you have done, are doing, and will do here,
We thank you, Lord.
For the floors that ground us in Your creation, bearing the weight of our steps and our prayers as we journey in faith. For what you have done, are doing, and will do here,
We thank you, Lord.
For the windows that color the light of Your day, telling stories of Your love and bringing beauty of your light into our worship. For what you have done, are doing, and will do here,
We thank you, Lord.
For the altar, the table of Your feast, where we encounter Your sacrifice and Your abundance, and are nourished by Your grace. For what you have done, are doing, and will do here,
We thank you, Lord.
Unite us as one body as a people being restored in this restored place, O Lord, that in every beam and brick, in every nail and pane, we may see the reflection of Your glory and the continuing story of Your people. For what you have done, are doing, and will do here,
We thank you, Lord.
Hear our prayers, O Lord, for this holy space and for all who will find the beauty of your holiness in it, through Jesus Christ, our Lord.
People: Amen.
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